Elishas latest word is NO..one word i expected her to learn...erm...NEVER...
After we got the new Nintendo WII console..she learnt the word YES..thats coz praveen and me would very competively play tennis...and ofcourse with each point my husband would get he would scream YES..[he thinks we r playin wimbeldon or something]...and finally elisha started sayin YES too...worst thing...when i somehow scored a point..she would grunt at the screen...mmmm daddy's supporter through n through
so the other night...praveen n miller were trying the new 'need for speed' game..and ofcourse praveen seemed to be gaining in on miller...and miller was screaming no no no [when miller screams..its blooody loud]...elisha thought it was too funny n learnt it...mmm
now when she wakes up...she says no no no...when i am giving her breaky its no no no...and right now as i am typing this she is going on saying no no no while she is crswling under my feet and trying to get into the wires...yes it sounds cute...but when the only vocabulary she seems to be on right now is no no no..its very frustrating...mmmm
note to myself...musnt abuse when playing on WII..else the next word would be Crap, Shit..what the fuck n so on...fun times begin :)
I am so happy
5 years ago
WTH are you teaching your daughter?! If we give Goob a steering wheel and play Mario Kart on the Wii, he yells at the screen! We're such bad influences!
oh its the same here bex...hehehe...yesterday she was holding onto the wii remote and jumpin on the wii fit board [imitating me i guess] hehehe
Awwwh, I bet she sounds cute saying No No No. Gotta watch what we say now don't we?
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