Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Vroom Vroom..Aussie Car show here i comee....

Last year, being my first ever motor show attended, I was over the moon..I mean being in a place with classy pricey cars...was as good as attaining a visual orgasm ;)
And hey it did prove good...my heart and mind was set on an eight million dollar Maybach car...but thankfully Praveen talked me out of it...after all its only 8mill...and only 4 ppl can sit in it..What more do u need?

This year I had all my hopes up high and was extremely excited to go n watch the show...hmmmmm…can you hear the slight disappointment in my tone now..It did nothing to me...

The new Ferrari’s looked the same...the Lotus still looks ugly...there was no 8mill$ car...

But the local market looked good...the mid range cars really looked a lot classier than the high end cars...i think merc and lexus are focused on increasing the price tag...but the style still looks very ordinary...nothing that will make my head turn for sure..

BMW thankfully stood out...classy cars...overpriced as hell...can you imagine a $230,000 convertible?

The Holdens [Aussie brand] and Toyotas had some very sleek looking designs…I absolutely loved seeing those cars...

Oh this time my fav car is the new Astra Convertible :o) extremely nice lookin car...and we have almost got one...its not the latest but a model old...black in colour..Can’t wait to get it…

My mind is pretty much set on convertibles...brand make style not much of a worry...if the roof slides off with a touch of a button, I am more than happy to sit and stare at…

Praveen offcourse wasn’t quite happy with my going oooo I want that car...no I want that one…which is why he was pretending to take pics of car...instead of hearing me moan and groan...shall post the pics when I get around to...

All in all I enjoyed my evening out..But last year had more exciting and sleeker looking cars...but then this is my opinion, you might have another...dont care :o)

Currently at work, pretending to be busy typing and important document... [Which we never do]…its lunch time too...tummys growling...need to go...

Oh some more stories might come through...my uncle n aunty arriving...with goodies from home sweet home Bombay…can’t wait...

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Me a blogger??...No wayyyyyyy

For monthhhhsssss i have been arguing with my inner voice [its fun to hear it sometimes], whether or not i should joing the blogging world..

I did try to start up a blog ages ago..but when the sheer pressure of writing comes to you, your writing skills take a back seat and suddenly your mind decides to wander of to another world, where english and writing is not the priority and definitely do not go hand in hand..

In other words i didnt wanna be with the mere mortals who blog their life story publicly on the net and where others get a kick in life by reading them...[i must share a secret, i am one of them :)]

But hey look where i am now..sitting and writing my first damn blog.. [note to myself..avoid bad language..possible chance of outlaws..erm i mean inlaws reading this.. :) ]

What must i say about me, i am very modest hehe you will know soon.. ;)

I am an absolute crazy human being [ask my hubby...did i hear a few cracks n shattering of hearts???..heheheh...] I love life and enjoy every minute of it..I suffer from an uncurable disease..verbal diorreah..in other words am extremely talkative..heheh

In my area of work i am considered the outsider.. cause apparently accountants are supposed to be nerds and boring...and i am anything but that...didnt i tell u i am very modest too :)

Well enough about me..for now..in the future blogs.. [cannot guarantee how long it will go on for] i plan on writing my thoughts..my experiences..the rollercoaster rides i go through...and memories..have heaps of them..

So till next time..adios amigos...god bless..