Sunday, May 11, 2008

My First Mothers Day!

To all the mothers and grandmothers..Heres wishing you a very happy mothers day!!

My day started at 7am when Miss.Elisha decided to wake me up..i got her into my bed hoping she would doze off but nope..she wanted to after a few minutes trying to wake daddy up and rolling all over me and biting me..i asked praveen to wake up and take her or get her milk...his answer yes in 2 minutes..a few seconds later he started snoring...argh hate it when he does here i was wakin up to my 1st mothers day and my day started terribly...

anyways got her milk and she fell of to sleep and we both slept in till REALL late..heheh..woke up to find elisha giving me a mothers day card...awwwww...and there was the receipt for my new Sewing Machine...YAYYYYY...cant wait for it to be delivered...

wasn't allowed into the kitchen..whew..hehehe...lunch was served...for appetizers it was cheesy nachos with chilly sour cream...main was Egg, Bacon and Spinach in shortcrust pastry and desert was Berry and Creamy Custard on Pastry..oh it was all sooooo divine...and of course there wine..hello its meee!!! :)

Annie n me then relaxed on the couch and watched some FilmFare awards on Youtube [FilmFare is equivalent to Oscars]...then went to church and got back for dinner...which was turkey, egg in white sauce and bread bake...

all in all it was a GREAT day...oh forgot to mention the lovely flowers praveen got favourites..Lillies and Roses :) I couldn't have asked for a better day...

Thank you Elisha and Praveen for making my 1st mothers day soooo memorable!!! I love you both sooo much...