[I will write about elishas 1st bday after this post]
Being a part of a music ministry, I love choral music. Honestly when i watch a choir sing i envision how the choir I am in can do that hymn or song...and ofcourse its my dream so ofcourse it will always be good :)
But today I attended a choir that did not let my mind wander off anywhere..I was transported to the jungles of Africa..I was amongst the tribes..Part of a joyous celebration :)
What am i talking about?? WATOTO Childrens Choir..Liz and Keith told us about this choir and that they were performing today..Praveen and me are really tired..but somehow i knew we had to be there...And I thank god for letting us go and hearing these kids..
Watoto Kids are orphaned kids of Uganda, Africa..and they live in Villages created for them..They have foster mum who takes care of 7-8kids..The kids in the choir travel around the world telling their story and how they are truly blessed now..Orphaned and left with no hope...they now have a home..a family..education and a future..
Elisha was soo excited to hear them..Dont know if it was the music..The rhythm..The energy..The clapping or The dancing..she was soooo thrilled and enjoyed every minute of it..
For those interested in listening to them..Have a go..Note..This is a christian based choir..god bless..
Cast your burden
I am not forgotten scroll past 1 minute for the music n dancing to begin
Enjoy it and if this choir comes to a town or city near you, make sure you visit them and I assure you, You will not come home dissappointed.
I am so happy
5 years ago
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