Firstly..Sorry linds for stealing ur thunder heheh :)
So you ask what is happy bubbas...well thats my online mommy mommy group??? what the hell is that???
when i was about 2 mths pregnant with elisha..i started visitng one miscarriage i was sooo scared that i had to make sure i was okie with everything that was happenin..thats when i found July moms..all these wonderful ladies were due in July..we later called ourselves July Jewels..
We were initially a group of 35 odd women..a few of us clicked at the 1st go..while there were a few who u had ur doubts on..when Tomy heard about this he was a little skeptical..but now he loves them heheh
It was the best thing that ever happened to me in a long time...meeting these women and talkin about everything under the sun was soo much the time i reached work these women were all ready to hit the bed..stupid timezone differences...but i had soo much to catch up...and even though i wasnt a part of their chats on realtime..i was still welcome and loved...
Once all our babies were born we decided to move to another forum..n thats how happy bubbas was born...we had threads about Inlaws and the crazy things they do..or why our husbands can be soooooo difficult...or our childs milestones and developements...our marital life..sharing recipes..u name was perfect...till..
i guess this kind of person exists everywhere...This lady a mother of 3 thought she was perfect...a believer in god [so much so that it was my religion or u r going to hell]...and u name it...even though a few of us felt funny about her initially...we just moved on..till things got soooo craaazzzzyyyy...
This lady would say one thing on ur face and bitch behind ur back...everything she did was right..but if we did something it was totally not got soooo bad that the 18 of us who moved to the forum started talkin out loud and when we started telling her about her behaviour and how we didnt like it...she took it as we r rude and left...the BEST thing to happen..but can someone be this batshit insane????
To the rest...I am sooo glad we r all together...and so glad we made it through that crap and glad we r all in one state of mind and a much more peaceful board..where we dont have to constantly boast about how good our sex life is..or how romantic u can get...or how u will go to heaven n everyone else will go to hell coz apparently we r lost..
Christy, Becca, Cortney, Erin, Jana, JenM, Jenny, Julie, Laurie, Lindsay, Tara, Teri and Wendy.. Thanks for being there when i needed a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to when i needed...Thanks for all the advices..[chris might borrow that candle u know :p]..Thanks for just being YOU!! Cheers to us .. !!!
If you wanna read on about us and all the crazy things that happened..linds has written it very well in her blog..heres the link... Lindsays write up on all the stuff
I am so happy
5 years ago
1 comment:
Awwwh I love you Rose! I'm glad we're all together in this!
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