Elisha keeps me really busy..The 1st 2 months of her life my folks were here with us and it sure was a much needed help..with zilch sleep..terrible time breastfeeding and getting used to having a baby around..my mum made things sooo much easier for all of us :) thanks mum..
Mum n Dad with Elisha outside the Hospital
after she turned 2mos till about 6mos i was in BOMBAY!!!..it rocked..with mum dad and annie taking turns to look after elisha i was really enjoyin life..mum kept tellin me to just chill out coz once i go back with elisha things r going to be different...oh mum u were so right hehehe..

In Mumbai
and once we got back things were indeed different..it was just Tomy, Elisha n me..but now she is 9mos and very very very active..and very mobile..theres not a dull moment in our lives..i am constantly runnin around her and makin sure she doesnt pick up all the tiny stuff that is not visible to the naked "adult" eye...
Elisha at 9mos..
sayin all this..i am really enjoyin it..and which is why i quit my job and decided to be a Stay at home mum..
So to sum it up..motherhood is very very..
-high neeeed of patience [i have very less of that :(]
-High energy
-Multi Tasking
all those bullet points sounds like a requirement for a CEO post..heheh..but all that vanishes when your child comes to you and hugs you or kisses you..n then you realise all this crap u put up with is waaaaayyyy worth the love ur child gives u!!
Go MotherHoood!!!
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