Cant believe how fast time feels like just a few weeks back that i had my sweet 16 bday..
That was someeeee bash...a few of us scorpions decided to throw this party..and we proudle called it "The Great Scorpion's Bash"..when computers just came into our lives..we had a huge banner printed out..thanks to me buttering our lovely computer teaching staff...heheheh..and a special mention to our school for unknowingly sponsoring the paper and ink for our banner... :)
My 18th bday..feels just like a day old can i forget the day when alllll my friends decided to surprise me at home..and since i was 18..Russell, decided to grab a nice bottle of vodka [my fav drink, unofficially]..little did we realise that dad has the sharpest nose in this planet..we hid the bottle away..but he promptly sniffed his way through and threw the bottle out..there went my license to drink.. *wink wink* or so dad thought hehehe..
My 21st bday was heapssss fun..we were in kerala for my cousins wedding and dad thought that it will be ladylike for me to invite the whole family for this huge was indeeed a gala occassion..the whole JingBang was there..and it was simply fun..ofcourse the gifts were the best..heaps of money..all i remember is getting some and spending the rest :) aaaa the days of simple and humble life..
And now i am going to turn 25..when my darlin hubby turned 25 i kept reminding him that he is turning a quarter of a century old..and hey what goes around comes around..the simple rule of life..and apparently when someone reaches 25 they ought to act matured..can u imagine me and behave matured..why u ask..
Coz tmrw i turn a "Quarter of a Century old".. :)
I am so happy
5 years ago
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