Happy birthday to Meeeee..
Wow so finally i turn 25...i know people its not much of a challenge..but when i look back i seeeee sooooooooooooooooooooo many things that have happened in this short span of 25 years..
Each memory good or bad is etched sooo deeply in my brain and heart...
I try not to think of the ugly bad ones but the good ones still make me smile..
Remember my 1st kiss...no clue how old i was...remember my 1st date...remember when i 1st met my hubb...oh that was the perfect day...remember our first outing and all the things we did heheheheh...
Also fondly remember my school days...when all you wanted was to get out of school and go to college..be a big person...but leavin school was the hardest thing i have ever done in my life...i miss school terribly...the carefree days of our life..when there was no responsibility..everything thing u did..be it small or big..was soooo exciting...and friends were the biggest thing in ur life..
Ofcourse one must remember that friends from school usually dont last too long..once everyone goes into a different college things change..opinions changes..and suddenly you wonder who these people are..one of my biggest loss was..losin out my closest friends from school..reasons unknown..but it was quite upsetting..but hey on the brighter side..thanks to technology and Orkut..i am finally in touch with all my lost school mates..its such a nice feeling..and in touch with the lost friends...good stuff eh..
Got hitched when i was 22..quite young eh..but trust me gettin hitched that early does have its benefits..you grow with the person and as such you learn to adjust to each others mannerisms and all..
Our marriage life has been so far great..except for the miscarriage that happened a couple of months ago...absolutely life shattering..but must say we have gotten back on our feet quite well..didnt think i could ever regain normalcy..but time is such a good healer..havent quite gotten over it..but i know one day it will be a healed scar somewhere deep...
Back to my big day..it was beautiful...my hub got me a new convertible..shiny black..my dream was to own one..so am quite thrilled..
Had a very nice quiet lunch..the food was yummy italiano..and in the evenin had our friends over for dinner..being monday they still decided to make it :) i was supposedly the queen for the day..so wore my crown et al...then came the cake cutting time..all the pranks and mischeives i have played on others on their bdays by stuffing cake alllll over them...was paid back with interest and more..i had cake on my face..stuffed in my nose ear n mouth...i looked like a joker..
As my blogs go on u will notice that i am a crazy fun loving person...and i am always upto some naughty stuff or the other...my friends expect me to mature..but good luck heheh...so i guess what goes around has to come around..
All in all it was an eventful day...would love to post some pics..but still trying to learn the dynamics of bloggin..very new to this u see..
One day i shall master the techniques of this...till then..wishing myself a Very happy birthday !!! hhehehe
I am so happy
5 years ago
1 comment:
Happy Birthday.. Wishing you peace and happiness
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