Its been long..but can u tell we have been busy and have had our hands full? :)
theres just been sooo much happening that i really dont know where to start from..
Pacifier Free.
Elisha no longer has her pacifier..Well lets put it this way, we lost the pacifier at daycare, couldnt find the 100's of others we have at home, and went cold turkey. Elisha did fine for a couple of days and then it dawned on her that she is missing her pacifier. So now we have a very whiney child who gets up a few times at night because she misses her pacifier. groan..mebbe we shouldnt have taken it off her, when both the parents are sleep deprived and easily irritatable..but we dare not go back..sigh
Week of Sickies.
aaaaaaaaaa..yes thats me screaming..Last week Praveen, Elisha and Isaac we all sick..Together..Praveens had this persistant cough for the last 6mths..and it got worse..he took a puffer and the side effect was loss of voice and skin loss in mouth..he got another puffer and it worked welll..and the antibiotics seemed to be working..
Elisha was coughing soo bad..we had a lot of phlegm and some vomit stories..antibiotics and she was its just runny nose..damn
Isaac poor guy has stuffy nose...he sneezes and phlegm comes out...
one night, Isaac throws up all over me..i change and shower [this is at midnight]..elisha wakes up coughing and throws up all over her bed...change her change the sheets and then pick isaac and he throws up again..sigh..
Wiggles Addiction
There was a time when elisha wouldnt watch tv or cartoons for more than 2minutes..however that is not true anymore...Elisha has discovered the world of Wigguuuu..she is much so that she has withdrawal symptoms when the damn thing ends or we switch it off...infact she knows that in the evening once praveens done with working, she can watch it on the computer..she sleeps Wiggu..Drams wiggu and i swear she is eating wiggu too...
Theres so much more happening..but i can barely remember..
Isaacs growin really well and he is a good baby..Elisha is full of love for him...oh and there are loads of Elisha and Isaac stories..but now its dinner time and elisha is begging me to feed her...till next time
I am so happy
5 years ago
1 comment:
Wow - your family sounds so sick! I hope you have managed to avoid it all! The Wiggles addiction is cute! :) It is nice to have something that entertains them. Ally refuses to watch anything. I wish the Wigguuu bug would bite her. Hugs to you and the babies!
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