HUH..what?? have i finally lost it?? erm no...the title is Actually a the books of Miss.Elisha..
When she was about 6-7 mths...her first words were Ta-Ta...which meant going out...she loved going out and hence associated Tata with much that in recent days she wakes up in the morning grabs her shoes and gives them to me sayin Tata...[in my mind i reckon she is sayin..mum move it u need to get ur ass to the gym and i need to go to the junior care there]
Since a few weeks she has been hooked to 2 kiddie being "In the night Garden" and "Teletubbies". I totally fail to understand why and how can she be hooked to it...but must let the creators of those shows know...those 2 shows are totally doing what you intended to!! Helping mums pour breakfast down the kids throat and give some mum time :)
Proceeding to TeleTubbies...very few words in that show...Hello..which sounds like Eh-o..go figure and BuhBye...
Smartypants Elisha...realised ohhhhhhh the waving of hand...its going out..its buhbye is the new word...
But when it comes out of her little mouth...she says.. "Ta-Bye"..what she has smartly done is combine the two words together...just incase her poor mum wont understand that hey byebye means Tata...
hahahah..its the most cutest word ever...really...Praveen and me have a Laugh everytime she says it...and to make matters cuter we keep sayin tata...and she says Ta-Bye..its catching will be the new hep word in town.. :)
I am so happy
5 years ago
1 comment:
This is so cute! I Love Elisha's new word! I may start to use it too. :) They are growing up way to quickly. Big hugs to you Rosie - love your blog and miss talking with you.
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