My girl is growin sooooo fast...unbelievable...
Here are her stats..
Height : 77cm / 30.8inches 75th percentile
Weight : 10.8kg / 23.76 95th percentile
Head circumference: 46.75cm / 18.7inches 90th percentile
The nurse was quite shocked with her weight...she reckons elisha looks a lot lighter than she weighs..and she was very pleased with all her milestone acheivements and the fact that she can already point her head, eyes and nose and knows the actions to a few rhymes.
Her teeth and eyes are in great condition too..thank god she likes to brush..she surely doesnt want my set of teeth.. :)
I can hear her argue with praveen right now...he is trying to pack and she is helping him unpack...okie mummy to the rescue..
I am so happy
5 years ago