For those who haven't met Elisha...or seen her when she is eating or when we eat...then you will know her love for food and enjoy this!!!
Elisha will eat her food or drink her milk..and we make sure she is nice and full before either Tomy or me eat..but..this is the best part..She will come and stand next to us and look over our food with this look that says "oohhh i want that"..If this were to happen outside..a stranger would probably be like.."gosh these people don't feed that poor child..look at her cry and yell for food..and look at her eating it with sooo much gusto..mebbe we should call the Child Protection Services.."
So back to my story from today..we went to gods grace she was asleep when Annie and me were drinking our coffee and eating some the time we checked out Elisha was wide awake..and then Annie sees Ice cream...that's when hell broke loose..
Elisha wanted to eat the ice cream..How do i know she wants to eat it?? Screaming..trying to jump onto Annie..and this is the besssttt part..She was smacking her lips and Licking her lips..i was in fits of laughter...and she managed to eat a bit of ice cream and half the ice cream cone!!!
Now there is an old saying in India..If you are eating something and the other person's mouth is watering over the food you are eating..then you will end up with Diarrhea!!!...If that saying is true..then Annie is in for big big BIG trouble tomorrow!!!
I am so happy
5 years ago