Before we came to India in July09 Elisha's vocabulary was really sparse. Maybe 20-30 words or so. There was definitely a lot of gibberish though. My friend however did assure me that once she comes to India and starts interacting with family, her vocabulary would increase. I had my doubts, but hell i am proved wrong.
When we came down, i saw my neices and nephews talking like adults. 2 and 3 year olds were speaking sentances and that too in English as well as Malayalam, our mother tongue. Ofcourse the stimulation these kids got was totally amazing. They have parents, grandparents, friends, family all around them. The question i received all the time was, why doesnt Elisha she fine..and what not..Trying to explain to them that all elisha interacts with is Praveen and me...and honestly how much do you expect us to talk to her?
Anyways back to the trail of thought...
Last night i was pleasantly surprised with how much elisha has picked up in less than 2 months. It is simply mind boggling. Her vocabulary has increased 10 times. she now speaks English and Malayalam. Ofcourse we really pray and hope that she continues to learn and speak in Malayalam as she keeps growing.
Just before we slept last night, she said her goodnights to her grandparents and then went to her Wiggle CD and proceeded to say bye and goodnight to each and every name..i didnt realise she knew them..then asked me why we werent saying the rosary..again stunned..
While laying in bed, she asked me where her father was, and proceeded to say out loud, Achachan [thats wat she calls praveen], I love you, I miss you and a big kiss...I got one of those...and baby isaac got one too...
Then it was the litany of bye's and goodnights to allllllllllll family...whoever she knew by name she said...1 hour later...she decided to stop speaking and sleep..
Ofcourse i am overly excited that Elisha is speaking soooo well..and that she is learning by the day...but its at times like last night when i wished my baby didnt speak that much..coz i'd rather sleep as soon i get to bed, than wait for her to keeep talkin for an hour..
i am hoping to post a lot more ramblings from elishas mouth.. :) see you soon...
and in elisha's words
chee you choon
i lull u [i love u]
i mishh you
I am so happy
5 years ago