There are so many things i wanted to blog, but kept putting it off and now when i heard about this i couldnt stop from writing.
On 26th Nov at around 10pm Indian Time Mumbai was struck with terrorists. This was no just bomb blasts, but Attacks like one would see at war zones. its been 35 hours right now and the battle is still going on.
The work is by some extremist Islamic group and all this is being done in the name of Religion and God. Why??? All Religions in this world prech about peace and unity in humanity, yet we see sooooooooooooo many acts of discrimination.
The so called terrorists have taken into hostages innocent people because their muslim brothers and sisters are being killed around the world. In this world that we live in, are there only muslims who are targetted??? What about the Jewish persecutions of the Holocoust? What about Christians being raped and killed in northern India? What about 100's of Hindu's beheaded? If all these religions were to start replying to Violence with Violence then this world would just not be the place to live in. So why then are just these small extremist groups doing this?
Because of these groups targetting innocent people, muslims all over the world are persecuted and always looked upon as terrorists? Is that right? not at all. They are humans, but because of certain fanatics they have to go through crap.
Because of this people with muslim names are targetted when it comes to security. My last name is Jose, anything but muslim, yet whenever i go through security, i am considered high security coz my last name can be muslim!!!! same goes for my cousin. He travels internation a dozen times...and all the times his bags are scanned opened and he is frisked. A price innocent people have to pay thanks a few ignorant people who are killing people around.
Theres so much more i want to write, but i dont want to sound like just another rascist bitch. I am sick of the way fanatics react. Depressed beyond words that my home mumbai is going through terror. A city where even after the 1993 bomb blasts, the city didnt stop. Yet today mumbai has come to an halting stop.
Wake up people. Lets not kill people on the name of religion or caste. We are all humans. We all have a common relationship. We need to stand together instead of breaking apart.
Heres hoping this comes to an end and all these attrocities will stop, be it in India or Africa. Lets make this world a better place for us and for our kids to live in.
I am so happy
5 years ago