I know it has been terribly long, but things have been very very busy at my end...
My last post was on my birthday...well you know what my birthday gift was? it was definitely the best i have ever received...it was a "Positive" pregnancy test!!! heheheheh
Well after trying for what seemed forever and the horrible waiting game, i thought it would never happen...but it DID!!!!!
I am now 28 weeks...and it feels Wonderful!!..no words to describe how i feeel...
The first 3 months were not the best..i did have the occassional daily morning sickness...groan..thank god that went by sooon!!!
13th week we went for out second ultrasound...to check for downsyndrome...by gods blessing it all looked good and the baby actually looked like one!!! it was an amazing time..Both praveen and me were overjoyed!!!
the 2nd trimester...things were the best...Praveen and me went away to USA for 2.5 weeks...went to San Diego and spent 6 wonderful days with Rohan and Nat...then to Los angeles and the wonderful world of LasVegas...
20th week scan..hahaah we found out my child is just like me!! LAZY and STUBBORN..it refused to move and show us things..heheheh...took the poor technician nearly 2 hours to get the measurements!!! everything looked fine...except the femur bone measures 3 weeks ahead!!..ACK!!! its going to be a tall babyyyyy
just started my 3rd trimested...and now my energy levels seem to go downhill!!!! :( however We are going away to the Carribbean tmrw yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy...shall post details when i come back!!!
if you have been pregnant before, have you ever wondered whether all these babies were trained in martial arts??? mine loves to kick me in my bladder...at the wrong time usually...hahahah its fun..and hiccups are sooo cute...i shall try and record it and post it here...
update on carribbean when i get back!!!
god bless
I am so happy
5 years ago