Friday, August 15, 2008

Elishas One year Stats

My girl is growin sooooo fast...unbelievable...

Here are her stats..

Height : 77cm / 30.8inches 75th percentile
Weight : 10.8kg / 23.76 95th percentile
Head circumference: 46.75cm / 18.7inches 90th percentile

The nurse was quite shocked with her weight...she reckons elisha looks a lot lighter than she weighs..and she was very pleased with all her milestone acheivements and the fact that she can already point her head, eyes and nose and knows the actions to a few rhymes.

Her teeth and eyes are in great condition too..thank god she likes to brush..she surely doesnt want my set of teeth.. :)

I can hear her argue with praveen right now...he is trying to pack and she is helping him unpack...okie mummy to the rescue..

Monday, August 11, 2008

India-Australia Fair

Sunday Praveen had to go to The India-Australia Friendship Fair 2008. This is held every year on the ocassion of Indian Independance.

This year Praveen was asked to be the media person [photographer] for one of the indian newspaper here. Ofcourse he was soo excited..and Elisha and me thought we should join him..

Severly cold + rain didnt dampen anyones spirit and it was fun galore..and all the indian food..i have gained a few kilos for sure..

Praveen did a great job with the pictures..and heres the link to his video of pictures

enjoy the song too...

Praveens India-Au Fair picts

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Chocolate Fiasco and Tantrums...

Elisha may be one, But she has reached Terrible Twos already..How can such an angelic child be terrible? Well this is something that happened recently and TOTALLY blogworthy..Elisha when u turn 21 i am SOOO going to show this to everyone..

Story: I kept some DARK cooking chocolate outside..left it on the table..didnt think Elisha was tall enough to reach it..and i was busy cookin..15mins later i cant hear elisha....this child cant sit still for 2 seconds and here i am 15 mins later hearing no noise...Mummy instinct says.."shes doing something very very naughty"

This is what i found her doing..after i found the chocolate bar wrapper on the
floor...look how happy and content she is...and can u see how dirty her face n dress is getting..

This is how the chocolate bar looked..broken in two..and quite a bit eaten..

After effects of taking the chocolate from her..

Tara..this is what she does..i have a video with a friend..will upload that when i get it on my recorder...

Falling on the floor..part of tantrum throwing...

Give me my chocolate...i want it nowwwwwwww

you wont give it to me...well i have to throw my temper tantrum then..

and peace restored after the bar was given back

Well i did take the bar from her after the last pic..gave her a small piece of real chocolate which she threw on the floor...n then i stuffed it into her mouth so she would stop crying..and then she realised its better than the bitter crap she was eating..

Elishas first bday party

I rarely get to sit in front of the computer..since i have a computer hogging right now he is having lunch..and i gotta do this quick

Party was much much dancing and everybody we invited was there..that was a wonderful feeling..

The food was good..The cake looked AWESOME [whew 3 days of hardwork paid off] and the Balloons looked Professional[thank god]

heres the link to the pictures...i want to write more, but theres another topic i am itching to write..

There are a few picts from home which i have already posted here...and about 170 picts from the party..

Elishas First Bday Pictures.